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This is my testimony: (Rebecca)
I have been attending For His Glory Christian Assembly for 9 years and it has definitely been a church that is dedicated to completely following God's Word and seeing lives changed for God's glory. Pastor Robert Langevin and his wife Linda are like family to me and they have always been faithful and honest. When I met them my life was a mess, I was raising two sons and my boyfriend and I were falling apart relationship wise. Stressed and feeling hopeless I would try to cope by drinking and doing whatever else made me feel better. I always "knew" of God but never had a personal relationship with Him and I never knew of God as a caring Father who wants His children to love and obey Him because He loves us and wants what is best for us. When I started going to For His Glory, I began to learn what true salvation was, that Jesus is God in the flesh, that He died on the cross for a reason, to save us from eternal hell because we cannot go to heaven on our own standards, and that His Spirit can live in us, help us to not sin and guide us to live the life God had intended from the beginning. It's amazing all the Bible has to say about this and how awesome His love and patient grace is. When I started attending this church, I immediately began to see my sinful ways and was convicted to change, I stopped drinking, smoking and going out with so called friends. My reactions to life issues started to change as well. I got saved and received Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior and then my boyfriend got saved. We were married shortly after and have been continuing to ask God for His guidance ever since. My family was restored, my husband and I are now committed to one another and to raising our boys to know the Lord in this dark, crazy world. Going to this church and having other Christians in this church to help you, to be a true friend, tell you the truth and to pray for you is a wonderful experience. I never knew of true love until I started going to this church. The people in this church definitely obey and love the true God of the universe and that's the best thing you can ever have . It's not about money, fads or fancy things in this church, it is about teaching people the straight forward truth of what the Bible says about God and how to live as a true Christian. I have seen God answer my prayers and many other people's prayers in this church. It hasn't always been easy these past 9 years but God has always seen me through and kept me from going back to my old ways because of His great love. With personal experience, God's ways have always been better. God bless whoever reads this and if you ever decide to attend this church, I pray you do and my name is Rebecca Ortiz, so if you ever want to talk I would be more than glad to talk with you or pray with you or even share more of my story with you. Pray and ask His will to be done in your life.
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This is my testimony: (Priscilla)
I was born and raised in a Portuguese-Catholic family, I went to church did my catechism and all. Although I did all that; it was never real to me it was more of a thing to do. I was living my life like a normal teenager, going to school, working, doing all the hobbies I loved. I was dating someone who meant to world to me, when about a year later, at the age of 17, I began having a lot of flu-like symptoms. My parents brought me to the doctors often, but they could not find anything wrong with me. Until, my mom got so fed up with the doctor, that she called her doctor and set an appointment for me to see him. I went to the doctor and did blood work; the doctor said he would get back to me with the results. So I went about my daily activities, when not to long later, while at the YMCA playing basketball, I received a phone call from my father stating that the doctor had called him and told him to pick me up to go straight to the emergency room, the doctors were waiting for me. The doctor told my parents that they didn’t even know how I was functioning. We went to the emergency room and from that point on my life was never the same.
I was admitted at Saint Luke’s Hospital for several weeks, during my time there one of the doctors noticed that something was going on with my kidneys, after testing my blood work; the report stated that my kidneys were only working about 25%. They tried to figure out why; a few days later they diagnosed me with Lupus. They quickly sent me by ambulance to Children’s Hospital; it went from bad to worse. They did everything they could to keep my kidneys from failing, but nothing worked. The medication actually did more damage then good.
The real battle began, year after year, surgery after surgery. The medication began to do damage to my body and my bones. The medication gave me a puffy face, hair-loss, and anger problems. My kidneys failed and I was quickly placed on dialysis. I slowly began to lose my ability to walk and ended up in a wheel chair for several years. During that time, I also did chemotherapy and plasmapheresis. We went through many difficult times. I went blind, at one point was loosing all my blood. At one point, I was so sick that the doctors didn’t believe that I would make it through. I was stuck in the ICU for over a month. During that time, a pastor came up to Boston to pray for me. My best friend had asked her pastor and church to pray for me. Thankfully, by Gods grace I made it through.
I was slowly getting better, still struggling and in a wheelchair, but overcame the possibility of death. Needless to say, I was tired of life and suffering. I wondered why I deserved to go through such a thing; I thought maybe I did something to deserve it. I was just fed up. I was mad at God, thinking why would He make me go through this? God is on control, so He is putting me through this. I was just so angry and at the end of myself.
A few years later I went to a Catholic church with my mom, dad and ex-boyfriend. During the Mass the priest mentioned the scripture where Jesus healed the leper.
(Matthew: 8:1-3 1When he came down from the mountain, great crowds followed him.
2 And behold, a leper came to him and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.”3 And Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, “I will; be clean.” And immediately his leprosy was cleansed.)
When I heard it I began to cry and I said Lord, if You did it for him, will you do it for me? Little did I know if He could or would do it. Regardless, I meant it. Within weeks of that day someone invited me to church, I agreed. I attended the Wednesday night bible study and the first thing I learned was about was (John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.) Suddenly I realized it wasn’t God who was making me suffer. Rather, it is the devil that is attacking my life and health to destroy me. The anger I had toward God now was shifted to the enemy of my soul. I surrendered my life to Jesus in the summer of 2002. I faced many battles and everything tried to stop me from attending church but I fought and pressed through the madness of life. I dealt with constant attacks from the enemy. He sometimes used people and situations to hurt me, make me doubt God, and walk away. Thankfully, I stood the course. I battled with fear for many years, nightmare after nightmare. Constantly reminded of all that I suffered!
But God was working in my heart and life. He was revealing Himself to me in ways that astounded me. He became so real to me that the jokes and persecutions really didn’t matter anymore. I would tell everyone and any one that would listen to me about Jesus.
A year later at a youth service someone came to pray for me and I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, while they were praying for me they had mentioned many things I had been praying about. Which to me was not a surprise, God had done that numerous times with me. So while praying she said, “Don’t be afraid! That disease is gone and it’s not coming back.” I wept and took that word to heart. It wasn’t an extravagant healing process. I just believed the word that was spoken to me and walked in it. Ten years later and I am still healed, To God be the Glory!
Needless to say, God has healed, delivered me and radically changed my life. I am forever grateful to for God for His mercy and grace on my life. I am alive today only because of Jesus! I am neither afraid nor ashamed of my Lord and Savior. It has been a tough journey nevertheless a wonderful one. I hope my story brings you hope! Nothing is too hard for Him. Surrender your all to God and watch Him make something beautiful from it.
#P.S After many hard decisions I had to make, relationships and friends I lost, in the end it was worth it all. If I didn’t walk away from those things, I wouldn’t have done half of the things I have done in my life including, Bible College, traveling the world and making wonderful friends all over the world. I found my life when I lost it!
Matthew 24:16 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
Matthew 10:39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.